Monday, March 23, 2009

Wind Power in Canada

Wind Power, where oh where is the Wind Power in our Country? Can you say everywhere, oh yes it is everywhere. Wind is not dying down at all. How come there aren't many Wind Turbines to hold the power and turn us into a renewable energy leader?

Well, I have travelled across this country and seen some really amazing Wind Power projects and feel that there is a need to just continue building. The best part about Wind is that you know that somewhere in the country the wind always blows. The province with the most Wind Turbines is Alberta, yes Alberta. Even with the Tar Sands they have amazing projects going on everywhere. Only as of last year did they get rid of their cap on Turbines.

Now where is Ontario on this issue? Well, so far behind that we can't even say the Government supports Wind Turbines until we, the citizens of Ontario, see action. We have one in Downtown Toronto, which makes people in power feel so happy they are doing good on the environment. Even as companies in Ontario try to put in new Wind Turbine projects, NIMBY (Not in My Backyard) groups say "We don't like the looks of them." Do they want a shiny new fur coat on a wind turbine? I feel that many people in Ontario just don't get this at all.

The right solution for Ontario is to allow every single person in the province to put up a small wind power project on their roof. This way we can take hold of the real power that is coming around us everyday. The amount of power that the Wind could produce would be enough to take out all Coal and Nuclear Power Stations.

The ironic thing is that the Nuclear Power in Pickering Ontario has a Wind Turbine on the site but it doesn't do anything. Just sits there everyday, and goes around and around and around.

Why can't we just create a 100% renewable energy future in Ontario? There is no reason we can't. We need to Green our skylight.

Goal: Put a Wind Turbine on the CN Tower

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