Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Conservation in Ontario

Every year we in Ontario see the power go up that we use just a little and this means we need more power to help us. With the Ontario Government now signaling that they are in with Wind Power, they are building them faster than any other source in the province. Instead of installing Wind Power, we as Ontarioians should be lowering our impact on the Earth.

To achieve this lower impact, we need to converse our energy and start to enjoy the outdoors. As Youth, we live our life with electricity more than we do without this. Youth need to get out and tell everyone to turn off all the power everyday, and start to meet people who are out in our neighbourhoods. With this, we would be accelerating our path to a more Renewable Ontario, and make us #1 in the world for conservation.

Youth need to step up and take the voice of one and turn this into a movement. We need to start closing off streets and having block parties every week to show people we can converse power. With every street that closes off, more people get out of their homes and enjoy the world a little bit more.

Since the Blackout in the summer of 2003, Ontario has been trying to conserve power in every way possible. We have seen the Ontario Government go from Coal to Nuclear to Wind in Energy, and we need to tell them to turn off power now. With this, since 2007, we have seen a yearly day called Earth Hour, where for one hour we turn off all the power possible.

All of the above is great, but we need to tell the Ontario Government to take bold steps in conversation and renewable energy to make Ontario the world leader.

Stand Up with Youth across Ontario, and enjoy Power Free Days.

Goal (this week): Enjoy 1 Block Party in the Streets