Thursday, March 5, 2009

Green Jobs...

With the new Green Energy Act out in the wild there are 50,000 jobs that are going to be created with this act. With this we need to see more Fairs that are geared towards Green Jobs to create a Green Economy. All these fairs of late have been well attended as the economy goes downhill more every month, and the way out of this recession is jobs in renewable energy.

We don't need jobs in the Nuclear Industry but in the renewable energy area, which is good for everyone in any diversity community. We can create this in industry, commercial firms, and environmental NGOs to provide a comprehensive representation of the potential clean green economy future. It is our hope that through presenting employment options that extend beyond traditional consumer and manufacturing culture, participants will be inspired to work towards a truly innovative future.

Pushing the Ontario Government to create more jobs in renewable energy is the way to go. With this, Ontario should be investing in more Green Job Fair as Youth are having a hard time finding jobs in Green Economy. If we are able to get every Youth into industries that are safe and green, we will be pushing ahead of other provinces and countries. Our goal should be to create more jobs in Clean Energy than any country in Europe.

Tell the MPP in your area to create a new way forward by providing a huge list of where youth can find Green Jobs. Youth are willing to work in the Clean Green Economy more then any other age group. We need to send a message to our MPPs, we want Jobs in Renewable Energy.

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