Wednesday, April 22, 2009

YCRO's Submission on the Green Energy Act

Take a moment this Earth Day to send a message to the Premier to tell him that nuclear is not green:

Below, take a look at our submission to the Government on the Green Energy and Green Economy Act. Please feel free to take these arguments and ideas in your own letters to MPPs.

Dear Mr. Day,

Thank you for accepting our submission for comment on the Green Energy and Green Economy Act. I am writing to you on behalf of the Youth Coalition for a Renewable Ontario, which represents four youth-run organizations based in the province.

We would like to begin by congratulating the Government of Ontario on the Act. We support the goals as well as the main mechanism to increase renewable energy, that being the feed-in-tariff. The time to introduce Bill 150 was yesterday, however, we note North American leadership in this legislation and appreciate the speed at which it has been developed under the direction of Deputy Premier George Smitherman.

The Coalition understands that there is more that can be done within the Act and that nuclear investment in the province would force renewable generation to compete with a large, highly subsidised industry. We therefore recommend a number of changes and/or additions so that the Act:

- eliminates the ability for nuclear generation companies to pass capital cost overruns onto taxpayers and ratepayers, and implement stiff penalties for project delays;
- does not allow the government to bypass public review of major non-renewable generation proposals;
- includes combined heat and power in the feed-in-tariff program;
- allows for all possible opportunities to increase demand-side management and conservation in all provincial sectors;
- defines strong conservation targets within the Building Code;
- includes prices for community and First Nations projects for all types of renewable power development;
- includes ambitious targets for conservation and renewable power;
- increases the 2MW cap for community based water power; and
- does not place green energy projects in already threatened farmland, forest, prairie or wetland.

In the worst recession in six decades it is evident that this Act, particularly with the above additions and those being recommended by the Green Energy Act Coalition, will be able to increase green jobs within the province and allow Ontario to move to a 100% clean, just and renewable energy system.


Darcy Higgins, on behalf of the

Youth Coalition for a Renewable Ontario

Sierra Youth Coalition
Students Against Climate Change
University of Waterloo Sustainability Project
Queen's Backing Action on Climate Change

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

An update on Scarborough Bluffs wind study

For those of you who are interested - a letter explaining where they are in the current study. Members of the present Youth Coalition were involved in these meetings.
This is the text from the pdf which I can send out.

April 13, 2009

Dear Interested Resident:

Re: Notice of Completion – Proposed Toronto Hydro Lake Ontario Anemometer
MNR Class Environmental Assessment Process, Category B Project
Toronto Hydro Energy Services (TH Energy) has recently submitted an application to the Ontario Ministry of Natural
Resources (MNR) to conduct testing of wind resources
in order to secure a Land Use Permit and an Application of
Record Status for Crown lands. The Land Use Permit and the Application of Record Status secure the right to use
the Crown Land area approved for exploration, on condition that all MNR requirements, including Environmental
Assessment (EA) requirements, are met. The TH Energy proposal is part of a two year exploration phase to
determine the potential economic viability for the development of a possible wind energy facility. The proposed
boundary of the Land Use Permit and the Application of Record Status is attached.

The Notice of Commencement
was previously issued on August 12 and 13, 2008.
TH Energy proposes to construct an anemometer platform to conduct the wind testing. An anemometer is a
miniature weather station that tests for wind speed, wind direction, temperature, humidity etc. An anemometer
platform is a stand-alone structure that would be affixed to the lake-bottom, with two small wind generators and a
solar photovoltaic (PV) panel to power the instruments. It is a temporary structure and will be removed after it has
served its purpose.
The proposed structure has the following general dimensions/characteristics:
• A structural steel platform located in approximately 12.2 m of water extending from lake bottom to
approximately 4 m above lake water level;
• A width of approximately 5 m; and
• An anemometer instrument, auxiliary power system and navigation lights located atop this platform.
Additional project information is available on our website at the following address:

A Category B project evaluation and consultation process was carried out in accordance with the Class EA process
for MNR Resource Stewardship and Facility Development Projects, and it identified no significant adverse
environmental effects.
As part of this Class EA process, consultation with the public was held at two separate
meetings (November/08 and January/09) in order to consult on the project with local stakeholders and other
interested parties. Further, a Project Evaluation Report was prepared in order to document the evaluation undertaken
and the consultation process carried out.

The Project Evaluation Report will be on public display for review and is available at the following locations during
normal business hours:

Toronto Hydro Corporation
14 Carlton Street

Toronto, ON
Phone: 416-542-3000

Ministry of Natural Resources
50 Bloomington Road West
Aurora, ON
Phone: 905-713-7386

Scarborough Civic Centre (Clerk’s Office)
150 Borough Drive, 3rd Floor
Toronto, ON
Phone: 416-396-7288

City of Pickering (Clerk’s Office)
One The Esplanade
Pickering, ON
Phone: 905-420-4660

Town of Ajax (Clerk’s Office)
65 Harwood Ave. S.
Ajax, ON
Phone: 905-683-4550

Port Union Library
Port Union Recreation Centre
5450 Lawrence Ave. East
Toronto, ON
Phone: 416-396-8885

Cliffcrest Library
Cliffcrest Plaza
3017 Kingston Road
Toronto, ON
Phone: 416-396-8916

Guildwood Library
Guildwood Plaza
123 Guildwood Parkway
Toronto, ON
Phone: 416-396-8872

Taylor Memorial Library
1440 Kingston Road
Toronto, ON
Phone: 416-396-8939

The public review period will commence on April 15, 2009 and continue for a period of 30-calendar days (ending
May 14, 2009). Interested persons may provide written comments to MNR or AECOM (acting on behalf of Toronto
Hydro) listed below within the review period.

Mark Patterson
Ministry of Natural Resources
50 Bloomington Road West
Aurora, Ontario L4G 3G8
Phone: 905-713-7386
Fax: 905-713-7361

Ian Dobrindt, MCIP, RPP, CCEP
300 Town Centre Blvd, Suite 300
Markham, Ontario L3R 5Z6
Phone: 905-477-8400 x 213
Fax: 905-477-1456

Where there are outstanding concerns about this project that cannot be resolved in discussion with MNR, concerned
parties have an opportunity to formally request the Minister of the Environment to issue a Part II Order requiring the
project be subject to an Individual Environmental Assessment (IEA) under the Environmental Assessment Act. As
this decision rests with the Minister of Environment, please direct your inquiries in this regard to the Minister at the
following address, and copy to MNR and TH Energy, before the end of the 30 calendar day review period (May 14,
Minister of the Environment
135 St. Clair Avenue
10th Floor, Toronto, ON M4V 1P5

If MNR considers there are no significant outstanding concerns by the end of the 30-calendar day review period, the
MNR may permit the implementation of the undertaking without further public notice
In addition to the MNR EA requirements, the proposal is also subject to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act
(CEAA), as it is anticipated that a federal trigger will occur. A CEAA Screening may take place to seek formal
Federal approvals.

Yours very truly,
Joyce McLean
Director, Strategic Issues

cc: I. Dobrindt, AECOM
M. Patterson, Ministry of Natural Resources
Proposed Boundary for Applicant of Record Status including Land Use Permit Location